Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Art is Life is Art

Chalk this one up to complete brain failure on my part. (What's new, right?) Better late than never....

Our good friends NTodd (
Dohiyi Mir), Eli (MultiMedium) and Aaron (AKToday) have set up shop at Winding Roads Visual Arts, where you can purchase selected prints of their finest photography. Check it out! I have my eye on a couple prints already - I'm just trying to decide if I can slide the charges thru Corporate Expense before I decide how many to buy. Heh!

NTodd, of course, is the proud and deserving recipient of the 2004 Perranoski Prize for Best Art or Photoblog. Congrats, brother NTodd!

Look for their ad on
Eschaton - right side of the page, scroll down a bit. (In fairness to Atrios, I decided it would be best to point to their ad on his site. If I've learned anything from Tom De Lay, it's the meaning of ethics. "Hi-yooohhhh!!")